The average size of the TV in our flat is growing all the time. A few years ago, a 40-inch TV was the standard. Today, the most popular TVs are 55 “and 65” TV sets. Wondering what grip to buy for your TV? You’ve come to the right place. Below is a ranking of the best TV mounts.
What TV bracket 55 inches?
When buying a 55 inch TV set, we have to predict where we will set such a large size. Of course, in the first place we think about the RTV cabinet. However, in our opinion, a much better place is to hang the TV on the wall. Thanks to this, we are sure that our 55 “TV will not fall over, and we will gain a place under the TV where we can put our Soundbar loudspeaker system or, for example, a game console. To hang the TV on the wall or ceiling, we have to decide on the wall bracket. How do you pick a handle? For sure, one that is dedicated to the size of our TV set and which will have a screen tilt adjustment. It is also worth paying attention that the TV bracket will be in the VESA standard – it will protect us from buying the bracket again, when in a few years you will want to replace the TV set.
The best TV holder 55 inches Ranking

Przeznaczenie |
telewizory LCD, telewizory LED, telewizory plazmowe |
Typ uchwytu |
ruchomy |
Rozmiar ekranu |
32 – 60 cali |
Maksymalne obciążenie |
80 kg |
Standard VESA |
200×200 mm, 300×200 mm, 300×300 mm, 400×300 mm, 400×400 mm, 600×400 mm, 700×400 mm |
Regulacja w poziomie |
+45 / -45 stopni |
Regulacja w pionie |
+15 / -15 stopni |
Maksymalna odległość od ściany/sufitu |
515 mm |
Minimalna odległość od ściany/sufitu |
115 mm |
Kolor |
czarny |
Wymiary uchwytu |
780 x 480 x 115-515 mm |
Informacje dodatkowe |
Uchwyt przeznaczony do dużych telewizorów gdzie wymagana jest regulacja góra/dół oraz prawo/lewo. Wykonany z bardzo grubej stali. Szeroka płyta ścienna doskonale rozkłada ciężar telewizora. Mocny, solidny uchwyt gwarantujący stabilność i bezpieczeństwo. |
Another 55 inches TV mount March 2025
What TV bracket 55-65 inches?
Case with handles for TVs 65 inches is similar to smaller TVs. We choose a 65 inch VESA mount that will be dedicated to our TV. Let’s also check the weight of the TV so that the handle will withstand its load.
TV mounts 65 inches March 2025
The remaining TV mount – ranking by popularity March 2025
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